Posts tagged selfcare
Farewell to 2020

This year has been, for lack of better words, a trash fire. 2020 has left a sour taste in everyone’s mouth, even if not directly impacted by this year’s challenges. And with those challenges have come painful, beautiful opportunities to learn and grow. As we ring in a new year, it’s important to recognize the struggle as well as the triumphs of the past in order to bring about positive, hopeful change for 2021.

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3 Rainy Day Self-Care Activities for Oregon Winter

Some of my favorite ways to fill a rainy day is to feed all parts of myself— Mind, Body, and Spirit. This approach to self-care focuses on each part to achieve a well-balanced life. You don’t need to set a whole hour aside for each portion— 5 to 10 minutes each is enough. Here is my recommended agenda for a holistic self-care day.

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Four Simple Ways to Make Self Care more Environmentally Conscious

The environment. It’s kind of a big deal. So is wellness. But a lot of the time, self care and wellness routines aren’t the most environmentally friendly. The spa and cosmetic industries have yet to make significant changes to their practices, and problems like greenwashing make it difficult to determine what is truly impactful as a consumer. Here are some tips and pointers if you are looking to make your wellness and self care routines, both at the spa and at home, a little more eco-friendly.

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Self Care for the WFH lifestyle

Many people still find themselves spending much of their time at home, unable to return to the routines and luxuries they grew accustomed to pre-coronavirus. Things like monthly massage appointments get put on the backburner, as layoffs, furloughs, and uncertainty abound. But with so much on people’s metaphorical plates now, stress management in any form is vital. Let’s talk a bit more about why self-care and stress management is so important, and how you can achieve some while working from home.

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Homespun Face Masks

I am also a mama on a budget. I do buy high-quality products, but I also love apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, and everyday items in my kitchen to brighten and nurture my skin. Here are some simple and delicious DIY Face Masks you can make in your own kitchen. Please to take into consideration that you know your skin best, and if you have sensitive skin please use caution and listen to your body.

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The Importance of a Pause

Taking a moment to press the pause button allows you to process. Think of the last book you read, or the last crazy thing you watched on Netflix. You most likely set the book aside at some point, or pressed pause to catch up. In these instances, we allow ourselves the space and time to collect our thoughts, emotions, take a bathroom break, and then continue. So, why then, do we not use this throughout our daily schedules?

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Relax-- It's Summer!

The sun is out, the birds are chirping-- Summer has arrived in Oregon! To me, here feels like a manic time when everyone feels obligated to be outside as much as humanly possible before the rain clouds return. Here at the spa we were just talking about how summer absolutely flies by. In the blink of an eye, June becomes September. If you have kids, summer can be an extra busy-crazy-stressful time of year with all the activities. This means setting time aside to unwind and de-stress is crucial even in the summer. In the summer, vacations and fun can overtake self care’s importance. With that being said, we still want to see all our loyal, wonderful clients over the summer! Here are some ways to customize your Pearl Day Spa experience to honor the summertime.

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