5 Tips For Spring Health Refreshment

Do you find yourself itching for spring, both literally and figuratively? (Any fellow allergy sufferers out there?) Do you feel the urge to engage in some spring cleaning, whether it's tidying up your garage or decluttering your mindset and physical health? Just like our surroundings, our headspace may also need some spring cleaning to freshen up and thrive.

For me, spring announces its arrival with buds peeking out from barren tree branches and friendly crocuses emerging from the earth. The return of sunlight to once-dark mornings is another telltale sign. We often consider ourselves separate from nature, forgetting that we too are part of the changing seasons. Spring ignites new energy and stirring within us. We can either ignore this stirring and let it collect dust, or we can embrace it and make a few easy shifts to refresh our spring.

Here are 5 health shifts you can make for spring:

  1. Get Outside: With the warmer weather and longer days, spring is a great time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine...in between the spring rainstorms, of course. Spending time outside can improve your mood and boost your vitamin D levels. Be sure to wear your sunscreen, too. Just because it's not hot doesn't mean that the UV rays aren't present!

    • Try setting an alarm at your lunch that reminds you to get 5-10 minutes of fresh air or take a little walk around the block. Research abounds at the benefits of just a few minutes outside.

    • Make that coffee date al fresco with your pal or take the coffee to go and walk while chatting.

  2. Eat Fresh Produce: Spring is the perfect time to take advantage of all the fresh produce that's in season, or growing in your early garden or greenhouse. If you are spoiled and live in the NW like I do, we have farmers' markets that sell microgreens and early produce very early in the year. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables helps support improved digestion and boosts your energy. Living food feeds us differently than processed food...there are so many lovely nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that improve overall health and can help support clearer skin and immune health.

    • I like to make sure that half of my week I bring fresh fruit as a snack and make sure to eat them before lunch. Where might you add two items of fresh produce into your day?

Spring is a great time to reevaluate habits in preparation for warmer weather and longer days.

3. Try Something New: Spring is a time of growth and renewal, so it's a great time to try something new. We often consider ourselves separate from nature, but in reality, we are a part of it. We are organic beings affected by our surroundings. Spring can awaken a drive and energy within us that may have been dormant during the winter months. Personally, I feel a calling to embrace the shift in seasons and a sense of urgency to "create." Harnessing this burst of springtime energy is perfect for trying out that new spin class you've been meaning to attend or experimenting with some local micro-greens you picked up at the Farmers Market while enjoying some outdoor time, and creating a new healthy recipe that you will love (even if your 8-year-old might say "yuck" to it). Spring is a great time to explore a new hobby or activity, such as rock climbing, knitting, photography, or dance.

  • Recently, I treated myself and my partner to a deprivation tank date. Neither of us had ever been, but we were curious. I thought it would be a fun birthday gift/activity/date, and it turned out to be super relaxing and therapeutic. I was a little nervous, but ultimately, I'm glad I tried something different. I also challenged myself to try snowboarding for the first time at the age of 41, and it was a real hoot, even though I was crazy sore afterward. Again, totally worth it. On a budget, I enjoy cooking up art projects without a plan, focusing only on the art supplies and letting them "speak to me" to see what I create, even if sometimes it ends up being just a mess. LOL.

4.Practice Mindfulness: Because spring can be an energetically pivoting time, we can find ourselves getting caught up in too much busyness and stress. That's why it's important to take some time for yourself and practice mindfulness. Meditation or yoga can help you stay calm and centered, improving your overall well-being. There are many dynamic and user-friendly ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine. For example, I like to take a quick walk outside or sit in a quiet corner and focus on taking 10 deep breaths. This allows me to check in with my body and ask myself if I'm hungry, tired, or in need of something. It brings me into the present moment and helps slow down the day and maybe make it feel a little gentler.

  • Where can you swap 10 minutes of your screen time to do breathwork or meditation? Personally, I enjoy putting my child to bed, dimming the lights, placing my phone in another room, and setting an alarm for 10-15 minutes. I then lay on the floor, close my eyes, and focus on my breath. It always improves my sleep and calms my mind, even if just a little on some days.

5.Stay hydrated: With the warmer weather, it's important to stay hydrated. We don't have to experience a 100-degree day to get dehydrated. Just like sunscreen is important when the sun is out, we need to increase our water intake as we become more active. Drinking plenty of water can help you stay cool, aid in digestion, and boost energy levels. When we think of dehydration, we often imagine being parched in a desert, but we can actually experience mild dehydration on a regular basis. Water intake depends on your body type and activity level, but low-key dehydration can lead to lower energy levels, chapped lips, dry patches of skin, tummy troubles, and even affect your sleep quality. Mixing in some electrolytes with your water can also aid in water absorption and make it more interesting.

Hopefully as you spring into a fresh new season, you have a new tool or two to add to your routine.

Be Well,


By making these health shifts, you can set yourself up for a healthy and happy spring season. Remember to listen to your body and make changes that work for you and your lifestyle.