The Secret to Soft, Glowing Skin


Spring is upon us, which means the sun’s out and our skin may actually see the light of day. After a long winter, your skin can sometimes feel dry, flaky, and appear dull. It’s time to shed the past season and step out feeling fresh and radiant. The best way to do that? Exfoliation! I love treating my skin to various exfoliating approaches year round. Exfoliation supports a healthy glow, skin cell renewal, removal of dead skin, clear pores, and makes all the nourishing gems from your favorite skin care products more effective. Let’s look at the different types of exfoliation, the benefits, and how you can get smooth radiant skin for yourself.

To begin with, there are two categories of exfoliators: physical (abrasive to the touch) and chemical (acids, i.e. Apple Cider Vinegar).  Physical exfoliators usually work by using small particles to slough off the dead outer layer of skin with friction. Think your old-school St. Ives Apricot Kernel Scrub (which, while we’re here, please kindly avoid if you don’t want to tear up your skin). Chemical exfoliators, on the other hand, use acids like AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid) and fruit enzymes to break down the bonds between skin cells, promoting a higher rate of cell turnover. Some popular chemical exfoliators are glycolic acids, lactic acids, and papaya enzymes. They often are combined in products to provide more bang for your buck. While physical exfoliators give you instant results, chemical ones need to be used at regular intervals and take longer for visible results. Both types of exfoliants can be damaging to healthy skin, so it is important not to be too aggressive in either approach, and not use too frequently.


Whether you choose a physical or a chemical exfoliator, you can find some lovely options over-the-counter, things from the kitchen cupboard, and from your friendly neighborhood esthetician. Depending on the type of exfoliant, you should exfoliate 1-2 times a week. We don’t  want to damage healthy, living skin tissue. It all depends on your skin type, health, and sensitivities.

If you are unsure, I highly recommend making an appointment with a licensed esthetician to talk about what is best for your particular skin. They can also provide soothing and nourishing services that will improve your skin...and...Feel Amazing!

Exfoliating Benefits:

Remove Dead Skin- Okay, yes, this sounds a little gross, but it makes a huge difference. Our skin is constantly replacing itself. Did you know that your skin regenerates itself every 27 days? Without assistance, our pores can be blocked by built up dead skin cells. This removal aids in brightening dull looking skin, and also prevents potential breakouts from this build up. 


Can Reduce Acne- Now that those pesky unneeded skin cells are out of the way, the pores can open and be more easily cleaned. And since there is not a build up of dead cells and dirt getting trapped under new skin, it is less prone to lead to acne. 

Soak Up That Luxurious Product- I personally love to get the most out of my hard-earned money. I’m the kind of person who squeezes out ALL of the toothpaste and scrapes the mayo jar. So when it comes to my Yon-ka Sensitive Masque/Creme or my rose-infused argan oil, I want the magic to sink as deep as possible. I want it to work into my skin to give me a luminous glow. With exfoliation, my pores are more open and clean so that products can penetrate my skin better.  Over time, this promotes healthier, more elastic skin and supports cell turn over. Plus, the product doesn’t get wasted sitting on top of my skin, making me look oily. 

Well now you’re sold and want to treat yo’self! As noted, I do suggest calling and/or visiting an esthetician. If that’s not in the cards until next pay period, your kitchen has what you need. Here’s a fun, easy, quick sure fire way to get some springtime glow. 

Exfoliating Salt/Sugar Scrub

Sugar and salt scrub is perfect for dry legs, elbows, heels, and hands. The granules can be large, so this recipe is not suggested for sensitive skin.  Mix ¼ cup sugar or salt (any kind will do), add a few tablespoons of olive or argan oil. Almond oil is fantastic too. Ideally, you want to use as clean an oil as possible. Gently mix to combine. The more oil you use, the thinner the exfoliant will be. 


Grab small scoops with your hands and start rubbing into your skin in circular motions.  Enjoy the invigorating sensation.  If using sugar, you’ll notice the sugar melts while applying to the skin. Apply more as needed, then rinse. Be mindful if in your shower, as it can make the base of the tub slippery. After you’re all rinsed off, apply your favorite lotion or oil, massaging into your skin for the healthy glow. 

Baking Soda Scrub

Baking soda is a great gentle exfoliator for more sensitive skin. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a liquid like water, hydrosol, or even milk. Apply in small circles across the face, and rinse. Baking soda is excellent for breakouts and acne prone skin as well because it has antimicrobial properties.

May you enjoy nurturing your skin, head to toe. And may you enjoy feeling refreshed and glow out in the upcoming months. 

Be well,

Lily Lunnemann