Posts tagged facial
What is Microderm? Everything You've Wanted to Know About Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion, or “microderm” for short, is a physical tool used to sand away the outermost layers of skin. It works by physically exfoliating the dead skin cells of the face and removing them with light suction. Depending on the machine used by your esthetician, microderm sprays tiny abrasive crystals over the surface of your skin, then sucks them back up with a vacuum attachment. Newer models, like the one we use in our microderm services at the Pearl Day Spa, use a diamond-tipped wand that glides over the surface, providing the same effect.

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3 Common Early Spring Skin Conditions and How to Fix them

As spring arrives and then temperature increases, sweat and increased oil production increases. Oil and sweat on their own are not inherently an issue. The skin creates oils in order to protect the moisture barrier, which prevents foreign bodies from entering the skin as easily. But oil production is increased, it can trap dirt and dead skill cells in the pores, leading to blemishes, pimples, and blackheads. So how do you set your skin up for success over this transition period?

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Do I Need An Eye Cream? and more questions on turning 30

But aging is part of life, and there are some inescapable things that aging entails: not being able to pull all-nighters like back in college, worse hangovers, et cetera. I am also noticing more changes in my skin that I am not exactly thrilled by. So let’s explore some of the ways our skin changes from 20 to 30, and what to do to mitigate some of them.

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The Secret to Soft, Glowing Skin

Spring is upon us, which means the sun’s out and our skin may actually see the light of day. After a long winter, your skin can sometimes feel dry, flaky, and appear dull. It’s time to shed the past season and step out feeling fresh and radiant. The best way to do that? Exfoliation! I love treating my skin to various exfoliating approaches year round. Exfoliation supports a healthy glow, skin cell renewal, removal of dead skin, clear pores, and makes all the nourishing gems from your favorite skin care products more effective. Let’s look at the different types of exfoliation, the benefits, and how you can get smooth radiant skin for yourself.

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