Posts tagged psychology
Do I Really Need You?


Do you ever find yourself caught in between feeling both lonely and overwhelmed by social interactions? In a world where we are constantly surrounded by people, yet feel disconnected and isolated, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing our lives to others through social media—feeling left out, questioning why we aren't receiving invitations or participating in the same activities as our peers. This critical voice inside our heads fuels self-doubt, pushing us to measure our worth based on what others are doing. The more we delve into this cycle, the more overwhelmed we become, until human connection itself feels like just another burden on our never-ending to-do list. And these hard feelings can be detrimental to our health…increased cortisol (stress hormones), lack of sleep, and can negatively affect our mental health. While we may jokingly throw around the phrase “compare and despair,” there’s a lot of truth to it. Never before in human history have the highlight reels of nearly everyone we know been constantly visible to us 24 hours a day.

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