Posts tagged summer
To Stay Cool this Summer, Skip the Ice.

Western society is all about the icy drinks. Soda, coffee, even water is served with copious amounts of ice at restaurants. It seems our answer to cooling down is to shock our system. Have you ever had a drink that was so cold, you got an ice-cream headache? How about stomach cramping? This happens due to a nerve response to the sudden contraction of blood vessels.

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Relax-- It's Summer!

The sun is out, the birds are chirping-- Summer has arrived in Oregon! To me, here feels like a manic time when everyone feels obligated to be outside as much as humanly possible before the rain clouds return. Here at the spa we were just talking about how summer absolutely flies by. In the blink of an eye, June becomes September. If you have kids, summer can be an extra busy-crazy-stressful time of year with all the activities. This means setting time aside to unwind and de-stress is crucial even in the summer. In the summer, vacations and fun can overtake self care’s importance. With that being said, we still want to see all our loyal, wonderful clients over the summer! Here are some ways to customize your Pearl Day Spa experience to honor the summertime.

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